Want to know the best eye vitamins for blurry vision? Well, fret none because we have sorted you with the list of essential visual supplements. These vitamins work like a miracle on your eyes and it works phenomenally well towards treating blurry vision. Blurred vision is hard to neglect as it bothers with every activity you perform. In the current times, a blurry vision has grown significantly higher in youngsters and adults. It is simply hard to bear and causes an immense amount of pain in the eye.
However, with the latest research showing a crucial set of nutrients can help to treat such conditions or prevent them from happening is a boon to us all. Finally a solution with full proof scientific backup. Vitamins are claimed to help and nourish your eye condition and even diseases. Want to know what these vitamins can do? Read on for the knowledge of knowing your beautiful feature in the body: the eye and know how to care in times of need.
What causes blurry vision?
Blurry vision is often treated as an insignificant eye problem which will go away after a while. Which is almost true for many cases however blurry vision can be caused for many noteworthy reasons which can lead to severe vision disease. Hence whenever you develop blurred vision, don’t forget to investigate the cause of the occurrence. It can help you be relieved about any progressive problems and would be offered with the right treatment. Here are some of the biggest reasons why you get blurry vision:

Excessive Screen Use
There’s no denying that our modern world is deeply integrated with digital devices. With our growing obsession and extensive hours spent on screens has led to several negative impacts. All the digital devices emit blue light rays that penetrate the retina of the eye. It leads to various sorts of vision conditions like blurry vision, eye strain and headaches. The remedy for screen prevention lies in using blue light filter glasses.

Need for Prescription glasses or new Prescription
Many times, blurry vision is resulted because of the formation of refractive error in the eyes. Refractive errors in the eye called nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism, you develop them without any warning and blurred vision is one of the prominent symptoms. Or if you already have any of these refractive eye conditions, you might want to check your prescription again. With time, these eye conditions go on to increase and need new upgraded lenses. Also, Specscart is known for next day delivery of glasses, especially in the case of single vision orders.

Conjunctivitis or Pink eyes
Conjunctivitis is also known as pink eye, that’s caused by adenovirus makes your eyes red and itchy. Though it's not a serious eye condition, it is however contagious. It goes away after a few days but it is severe then you might want to consult an optometrist. Conjunctivitis causes blurry vision, itchiness and irritation in the eyes.
Eye Infection
Eye infection can be caused by anything as our eyes are pretty delicate. Use of contact lenses leads to eye infection or just touching your eyes with bare hands leads to eye problems. Bacteria and harmless viruses spread from our body reaching our eyes lead to the cause of infection. Eye infection leads to red-eye, blurry vision and burning sensation.
Glaucoma is one of the serious eye problems that lead to permanent vision loss. It’s an age-related visual condition caused by external pressure in the eye that in turn damages the optic nerve. It happens without showing any strong symptoms however blurry vision is one of the earlier signs.
Age-related Macular Degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration mostly happens when you hit your 60’s. It happens because your eyes have a higher risk of macula damage, an area located at the centre of the retina. If you develop age-related macular degeneration(AMD), you will lose the central vision of the eyes. There’s no treatment for age-related macular degeneration other than taking certain vitamins for slowing the process.
All these various eye problems cause blurry vision and can be treated with essential vitamins. Depending on your eye problems, take the right vitamins defined below for the particular eye condition.
Do eye vitamins improve vision?
Yes! There are different types of eye vitamins that help to improve your vision by supporting nutritional benefits. These vitamins supplement help to maintain good eye health and vision and also prevent a serious eye condition. Vitamins not only correct blurry vision but slow the process of many serious eye conditions like age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataract. However before you go ahead and take multiple doses of vitamins, ask from an optometrist. Go to your local optical store and talk about the condition you are experiencing in your eyes. The optometrist will be able to guide you with the right vitamin dose.
List of Eye Vitamins for your eye Condition
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is a group of antioxidants that offer a great deal of support to our eyes. Vitamin A maintains the upfront area of our eyes and mucous membranes from foreign particles like bacteria and viruses. It helps to fight all sorts of eye infection by protecting the cornea of the eye.
The cornea remains safe from external exposure and hence the vision remains accurate and clear. Vitamin A also helps with lubricating your eyes areas for better movement. Many cases, vitamin A used with other antioxidant vitamins help to decrease the growth of macular degeneration.
You can use vitamin A to fight all sorts of eye infection and other serious eye diseases as it helps to lessen the effect greatly. Vitamin A deficiency can also cause some eye problems like night blindness and dry-eyes syndrome. Hence having regular vitamin A is very requisite for every individual with good or bad eye conditions.
Source of Vitamin A: Carrots, Sweet Potato, red pepper, Spinach. Chicken liver, milkshake, whole milk and beef liver.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is another powerful antioxidant for the eyes found mostly in citrus vegetables and fruits. One of the main works of vitamin C involves maintaining the connective tissue that also involves the collagen found in the cornea. If the collagen in the cornea gets damaged after a minor injury or small infection, it manages to successfully heal itself. However, in this process, it can give you the blurred vision and painful experience in the eye.
Vitamin C also assists against oxidative damage. Oxidative damage is a severe problem that often leads to cataracts. This type of damage develops around the edges of the lens in the eye. It’s been said that vitamin C consumption has led to a 40% decrease in cataract progression.
Deficiency of Vitamin C has led to a disease called scurvy. It’s a disease that causes muscle weakness, loss of teeth and bleeding of gums, fatigue and exhaustion.
Source of Vitamin C: The best food with high vitamin C involves lots of citrus fruits like grapefruit, lemon, orange, kiwi, papaya and strawberry. Veggies with Vitamin C are cauliflower, broccoli, red chilli pepper and Brussel sprouts.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is also a powerful dose of antioxidant. Alpha-tocopherol of vitamin E is known for fighting free radicals in the body. These free radicals are not that great for our body as they damage the protein in the eyes. If these free radicals are successful in destroying the protein, we develop a cloudy area in the eye called a cataract. Vitamin E helps to fight out the cataract if it is taken in the food or as a supplement.
Vitamin E helps to safeguard the membranes of the cell, not only in the eyes but all over the body from free radicals. Free Radicals are unstable sets of molecules that get in the body to damage the cells. It is mostly resultant from harmful or pollutant exposure like smoking or burning something. Vitamin E helps to fight these free radicals however since vitamin E is not a single substance. The best form of Vitamin that is successful in protecting our eyes is called alpha-tocopherol.
Vitamin E deficiency can lead to the weakening of light receptors cells in the retina and other cells of the eye. If the deficiency is huge, then this condition can lead to vision loss over time and immune systems weaken.
According to the latest Harvard study, vitamin E when combined with Vitamin C, beta carotene and zinc offer to decrease the effects and development of advanced age-related macular degeneration. On its own, it won’t be able to create a significant amount of changes against AMD and cataract but when mixed with others, it is powerfully strong.
Source of Vitamin E: Vitamin E involves lots of nuts like peanuts, hazelnuts, almosts and vegetable oils like corn, soybean oil, wheat germ and sunflower. Other food involves peanut butter, beet, spinach, red bell pepper, asparagus, avocado and mango.
B Vitamin
There are 8 complete vitamin B around for the betterment of our body and eyes. However, three vitamins help greatly with supporting and maintaining good eye health. The remarkable kind of Vitamin B is Folate (Folic Acid) Vitamin B9, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12.
In one of the recent studies conducted by Harvard, it's been proved that a combination of Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B9 helps to reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration in men and women. It has also shown 34% of lesser risk of any type of AMD and 41% of visually related AMD.
Deficiency of Vitamin B12 leads to blurred vision. The damage results in the nervous system problems which consequently affect your vision. Deficiency of Vitamin B9 is caused by alcoholism or pregnancy which leads to irregular heartbeat, tiredness and exhaustion, hair loss and pale skin.
Sources of Vitamin Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B9: Best food items like Tuna, beef liver, salmon, chickpeas, poultry. Bananas, leafy greens, oranges, papayas, beans, peanuts, fresh fruits, whole grain, eggs and a lot of other seafood.
Lutein and zeaxanthin
Lutein and zeaxanthin are one of the powerful carotenoids i.e. a pigment produced by plants. These carotenoids offer colour to vegetables and fruits. These antioxidants are very fruitful to our body and health; they contain various health-promoting properties in them which improves our eyes and body.
Lutein and zeaxanthin are found in very high concentration in a part of the human eye called macula. The macula is present in the central area of the retina. It functions as the centre of the retina in the eyes giving us the ability to attain 20/20 vision and enhanced colour vision. The lutein and zeaxanthin attribute a yellow colour to the macula in the eye.
Apart from the pigment, lutein and zeaxanthin prove to be dominant features in our eyes. Similar to other vitamins, these carotenoid functions to protect our eyes and body from free radicals. It has also been said that lutein and zeaxanthin also help to block out harmful blue light rays. Blue light rays are emitted from our digital screen, the sun and LED light which ultimately results in age-related macular degeneration. Therefore, the pigment helps to safeguard the retina before it penetrates it and causes serious visual issues.
Even the latest Harvard study proved that the pigment known for giving colour to food items is known for preventing severe vision ailment like age-related macular degeneration. The research demonstrated people who consume high levels of two carotenoids known as lutein and zeaxanthin had seen a 40% lower risk in the growth of age-related macular degeneration. Deficiency of lutein and zeaxanthin leads to low pigment density and a higher risk of age-related macular degeneration.
Sources of Lutein and zeaxanthin: The best natural food items fit to increase lutein and zeaxanthin are leafy vegetables like spinach, beans, or other green or yellow pigmented food items. Food items like carrots, kale, broccoli, and sweet potato seem to be on the list of more influential food items that brought change. Non-vegetarian food sources that help in the increase of lutein and zeaxanthin are egg yolks.
Discussed above are the best eye vitamins for blurry vision. If you experience any sort of blurry vision, firstly go to your local optometrist and get your eye test. With the help of results, you’ll get to know the reason behind blurred vision then taking the right vitamin will help sharply. It’s highly recommended that you don’t go for any vitamin without being clearly acknowledged about the state of your eye.
Important Question on Eye Vitamins for Blurry Vision and more
Can a vitamin deficiency cause blurred vision?
Yes! Vitamin deficiency can lead to serious blurry vision and other problems throughout the body. Everything in our body is constructed and nourished with proper nutrients by vitamins. If any vitamin is deficient, then the proper working of the body will stop and lead to severe conditions that’s painful to bear. Hence we should take vitamins, either through droplets, capsules or through meals.
Are Eye Vitamins worth taking?
Yes! Eye vitamins are great towards your eyes and the body. It makes your cell, tissue and organs work smoothly making you healthy with a strong immune system to fight any disease. You should take them naturally as much as you can through your meal or drinks.
What is the best supplement for eyesight?
Eyesight is a complex process which takes place with the help of many parts of the eye. Thereby to make your eyesight more advanced, you should take the supplement where your eyes are weak. Vitamin A and C proves a great supplement for excellent and sharp eyesight.
Should I take eye supplements?
Yes! You can take eye supplements if you are having some vision condition or problems that are affecting your vision. However, don’t go for any vitamin mentioned on Google without proper medical guidance. Go to an eye test and tell the optometrist your condition and they will offer you with the right supplement.
What are eye vitamins for macular degeneration?
Many types of the vitamin will help you lessen the progression of macular degeneration. Depending on your state, go for the right supplement mentioned above.