If you are someone who is new to varifocal lenses and you’re trying to figure out the complex technical details, you are not alone. Many individuals want to know if they can get a manual to help them understand how their varifocal glasses work. You might see multiple technical terms like freeform technology and many more while buying a pair of varifocal glasses. There is also a wide range of options available in the market in terms of pricing which makes the decision even more difficult. In this blog, we’ll discuss how varifocal lenses work and all the important terms that you need to know to make a smart decision while getting your next pair of varifocal glasses.
How Do Varifocal Lenses Work?

Your eyes naturally have the ability to focus on different distances. They adjust their focus according to the distance of the object you're attempting to see, and it happens so smoothly in the background that you rarely realise it. However, the issue arises when your eyes can't clearly see objects at a specific distance.
You usually get single-vision prescription glasses with negative power if you have trouble seeing distant objects. Similarly, if you have trouble seeing close objects, you can get single-vision glasses with a positive prescription power. However, what if you have trouble seeing both of these distances at once? One option in this situation is to use two different sets of single-vision glasses, one of which will correct near vision and the other for distance vision.
Another option is simply getting a pair of bifocal or varifocal glasses. You can learn the difference between bifocal and varifocal lenses to understand more. For now, let’s focus on varifocals. They offer vision correction at near, intermediate, and distance vision all with the same lens.
The construction of varifocal lenses
All modern varifocal lenses work on freeform technology and anything below that is simply outdated. Freeform technology is a lens manufacturing technology where the lenses are custom-designed for an individual need with the help of advanced software. The design of varifocal lenses or progressive lenses features three different viewing zones on the lenses.
The top part is designed to look at distant objects, the middle part is designed for intermediate vision and the bottom part is designed for looking at near objects. However, there is a peripheral distortion on the edges of the lenses which can be more or less depending on the technology of the lenses.
The distortion causes blurred vision when you look from the edges but it can be minimised with a higher level of customisation. Freeform technology allows us to do the same. However, varifocal lenses at Specscart take things to the next level where even our base varifocal lenses feature Digital Raypath Technology. It is a lens design technology designed to improve visual quality in varifocal lenses by minimising oblique aberrations.
This technology uses a digital simulation of the varifocal lens in front of the wearer’s eye to analyse his individual optical characteristics. It takes into account multiple factors such as the wearer's frame, lens blank, age, and eye movement to create a unique lens back surface design for every individual.
As a result, you get improved visual quality, a more seamless transition across all viewing distances, wider visual fields, better focus and reduced peripheral distortion around the edges of the lens.
How to use varifocal glasses?
Varifocal glasses work seamlessly like any other pair of prescription glasses. However, there is a small learning curve initially where you need to consider certain factors for a smooth viewing experience. Whenever you want to look at something far away, move your head and eyes upwards to the top part of the lens. Similarly look downwards to look at near vision tasks but keep in mind to move your head as well instead of just moving the eyeballs. After a couple of days, you won’t have to make any effort as your eyes and brain adjust to the new way of looking at different distances.
Cost of varifocal glasses

As I mentioned before, there are different types of varifocal lenses available in the market. The price of varifocal lenses also depends on the technology and quality of the lenses. Advanced varifocal lenses with Digital RayPath Technology usually start upwards of £100 at online retailers and the prices can go significantly higher at the high street opticians. However, keeping our promise of quality eyecare for everyone, we offer the best possible price on advanced varifocal lenses in the market. It has helped us completely eliminate subpar varifocals from our lineup and offer only the best for you.
Choosing the right varifocal lenses for your needs
For most individuals, our Innovator 4D offers everything you need for your everyday tasks. Designed for a digital lifestyle, it offers a seamless transition across different viewing distances with an enhanced midrange vision. On the other hand, people with a more active lifestyle can go with our latest generation Innovator UHD varifocals. It offers the best viewing experience across all distances while maintaining the widest vision field. Existing Zeiss wearers can check out our Zeiss SmartLife Plus varifocal lenses.