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Many of us need vision correction to carry out day to day tasks. And some of us can’t even get moving around our own house without a visual aid.
The two most popular choices to correct vision deficiencies are glasses and contacts. Where most people choose the comfort and convenience of glasses, some fall for the cosmetic appeal of contact lenses.
And after putting their eyes through hell a couple of times, they finally learn how to put on contact lenses. But, wearing contact lenses is not all fun and games. Have you ever considered the side effects of contact lenses?
If you wear contacts day in and day out, there might be some issues waiting for you down the road. Read on to find out more.
Side Effects
1. Your Eyes will gasp for Oxygen
Oxygen is important for our eyes as much as it is for us. Since contacts are put directly on your eyes, they reduce the amount of oxygen reaching your eyes.
The cornea has no blood supply of its own. It gets oxygen either from the tears or the atmosphere. So, when the oxygen level is low, the cornea may swell and you will have to deal with uncomfortable symptoms such as blurry vision or excessive tearing.
2. You May Develop Dry Eyes
Lenses are designed to absorb the moisture in your eyes. They may absorb the tears that are meant to keep your eyes lubricated. This lack of tear production is termed dry eye syndrome often leading to burning sensation or redness in the eyes.
If you have dry eyes, make sure to limit your screen time. Looking at the blue light filled screens will deteriorate your eye health. Use artificial tears, blink often and wear prescription blue light glasses when indulging in digital media usage.
3. You May Become more Susceptible to Eye Infections
Conjunctivitis and stye are common eye infections that may develop if you wear contacts for too long or worse, sleep in them.
Contacts are moist and make the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. And since the oxygen supply to the cornea is low, it is not as capable of fighting off these bad guys as it should.
4. Corneal Ulcer
A corneal ulcer happens when an open sore caused by bacteria or fungus forms on the surface of the cornea. While it usually stems from eye infections, severe dry eye problems or eye disorders may give birth to this problem.
If not treated timely, a corneal ulcer will lead to permanent vision loss. If you are an avid contact lens user, get your eyes checked annually and report any symptoms of vision change to your eye doctor.
5. You Could Get Ptosis
Ptosis refers to the drooping of your eyelids. If you have this problem and the lens fluid gets in the eyelid during lens removal, it will cause lid retraction. This will affect your ocular structure and cause visual discomforts at the least.
Ptosis may make your eyes sensitive to light. So even when you are indoors with bright lighting around, wear glasses with tinted lenses. They won’t make your eyes feel irritated by bright lights.
6. Medications and Contacts don’t Mix
Simultaneous use of contact and certain medications such as birth control pills results in dry eyes and ocular irritation. You will experience changes in the tear film of your eyes.
The combination of these pills and contact lenses will disrupt the balance in your tear film giving rise to symptoms such as gritty eyes, burning sensation or excessive tearing. If you are on the pill, avoid using contact lenses.
7. You May have Slow Corneal Reflex
The corneal reflex is a protective mechanism used by your eyes where the brain signals your eyes to shut whenever it senses a potential danger. For instance, if something comes flying towards your eyes, they will shut on their own.
But, taking your hands close to your eyes to put on contacts every day teaches your body to ignore this reflex. This will prove to be dangerous when a real one is approaching and your eyes aren’t able to react.
8. Corneal Abrasion
Since you have contact lenses on every waking moment, they might scratch the surface of your cornea. This problem becomes more common if your contacts don’t fit or your eyes are dry.
The moist surface of these lenses traps dirt and dust particles. These particles will rub against your cornea and may even cause vision-threatening eye infections.
If you have developed this problem, it is time to give your eyes a break. Try prescription glasses and enjoy a painless way to vision correction. We hate to keep you waiting. This is why we offer 24 hours delivery on glasses all across the UK.
Is Wearing Contact Lenses Safe?

It is both safe and not safe. If you don’t overdo it and wear them for short spans of time, then they are a great accessory. But, if you act carelessly and sleep in your contacts or not take them off when you should, you will have to pay the price.
If you wear contacts, make sure you schedule regular appointments with your eye doctor. And if they ask you to take a break, do it. The health of your eyes should be the most important thing for you.
If you think you’ll lose out on style or fashion by giving up contacts, you are wrong. Glasses are not only the more comfortable alternative to contacts but they are more fashionable as well.
Where contact lenses only change the colour of your eyes, glasses can help you try different looks. And there are so many styles to add different shades to your personality.
Contacts may seem like a more economical option in the short run, but the benefits and durability of glasses outperform the contacts. You can use the same pair of eyeglasses for 3-4 years or more if you take care of them. And if the frame becomes obsolete or damaged, you can reglaze glasses and save the cost.
1. Who should not wear contact lenses?
Ans: For some people, wearing contact lenses might be a good alternative to wearing glasses with a prescription. However, not everyone can wear them without discomfort as it can be painful and not suitable if you have eye problems like dry eye disease or blepharitis, severe refractive errors, allergies, or contact lens intolerance.
2. What is Contact Lens Intolerance?
Ans: When the eye can no longer accept the foreign body (contact lens) that has been in place and starts to exhibit signs of rejection, this condition is referred to as contact lens intolerance.
3. How many hours a day can contacts be worn without risk?
Ans: For 14 to 16 hours a day, most people can use contact lenses safely and comfortably. In order to give your eyes a chance to breathe without lenses in, it is usually advisable to take them out as soon as possible before going to bed at night.