What is eye Twitching?
In simple words, we can understand eye twitching as the involuntary movement or spasm of the eyelid muscles, causing the eyes to shut and open with rocket speed. Eye twitching is similar to blinking, but at an abnormally faster rate. Usually, eye twitching occurs in the upper lid, but it can also happen in the lower lids of both your eyes.
It is noteworthy to mention that eye twitching is typically not a sign of anything serious. But, of course, there are exceptions. To begin with, rampant eye twitching can be extremely annoying when you are driving or sitting for a meeting. In addition, some cases of eye twitching are a manifestation of something serious.
If you want to get a comprehensive guide on eye twitching, read ahead!

Types of Eye Twitches
There are three common types of eye twitches -
1. Minor Eyelid Twitch or Myokymia
A minor eyelid twitch or myokymia is often associated with mundane and routine things, such as stress, fatigue, or excess consumption of caffeine. It might also occur because the surface of the eye (the cornea) or membranes that line the eyelids (conjunctiva) are irritated.
In myokymia, the twitching occurs particularly on the eyelid, either the upper or lower, but produces no harmful effects. It is so subtle that it’s hardly noticeable and mostly goes away after some short amount of time. Myokymia is the commonest type of eye twitching and affects almost everyone at certain points of time.
2. Blepharospasm
The second type of eye twitching is known as benign essential blepharospasm. It usually shows up in a person’s mid to late adulthood and increases in severity over time. The condition begins as an accelerated blinking of both eyes and may cause the eyelids to be squeezed shut. This is a very uncommon eye twitch with a few thousand cases worldwide.
Another type of eye twitching is known as benign essential blepharospasm. Benign essential blepharospasm starts out as increased blinking of both eyes and may cause blurry vision, light sensitivity and facial spasms. In severe cases, the spasms become so intense that the eyelids stay shut for several hours. This type of twitching is very uncommon, with a few thousand cases propping up yearly.
3. Hemifacial Spasm
The third type of eye twitching is even rarer. Hemifacial spasm is when the muscles around the mouth and eyelids move involuntarily. Twitching may start around the eyes and then spread to other parts of the face. Unlike the other two types of eye twitching, hemifacial spasms affect only one side of the face, and are usually caused by an artery pressing on a facial nerve.
Now that we know about their types, let us check out the various eye twitching causes!
Causes and Triggers of Eye Twitch
The causes of eye twitching are quite diverse. They may vary from simple everyday triggers to severe life threatening causes.

Generic Causes of Eye Twitching
Based on the updated symptoms, the generic and less concerning causes of eye twitching can be from listed ones:
- Bright Lights
- Alcohol Consumption
- Exhaustion and Fatigue
- Excess Caffeine Intake
- Smoking
- Stress
- Pollution of Air or Wind
- Eye Irritation
It is essential to remember that the cause of blepharospasm is still unknown to many scientists and researchers around the world. But recent research shows it is caused because of the malfunction of certain cells in the nervous system called basal ganglia.
Eye Twitching as a Manifestation of Different Diseases
There are many eye related conditions and diseases that may manifest as eye twitching. Here are some of the most common eye conditions that compel the eye to twitch vigorously.
- Corneal Abrasion
- Dry eyes
- Light sensitivity
- Blepharitis
- Uveitis
Serious Causes of Eye Twitching
Eye twitching may also be caused by certain brain and nervous system diseases. Brain or nervous disorders are accompanied with signs and symptoms that involve eye problems like eye twitching. Some serious disorders that set off eye twitching:
- Parkinson’s disease
- Tourette Syndrome
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Dystonia
- Cervical dystonia
- Bell’s palsy
- Oromandibular dystonia
- Facial Dystonia
Symptoms of Eye Twitching
Eye twitching affects the muscles in the eyelids and causes involuntary blinking. The symptoms of mild eye twitching feel more noticeable than they really are, it is quite unlikely that the onlooker will be able to see your eye twitching. However, in more severe and rare cases, the twitching can lead to a forceful closure of the eyelids, which lasts for seconds, minutes, or even hours. In such cases, the symptoms are noticeable, and become more stark with time.
Who Is at a Higher Risk of Eye Twitching?
Mild eye twitching affects almost everyone and anyone. However, some sections of the population are more susceptible to chronic eye twitching.
- More Common in Women - Both blepharospasm and Meige syndrome are twice as common in women as in men. But, the catch is nobody knows why!
- Genetics - It is possible to develop essential blepharospasm with no family history and most cases are this way. Some studies hint that chronic blepharospasm is more common in certain families. However, geneticists have not identified any genes that are responsible for passing down the condition. But, geneticists have established that if one parent has the condition, it is enough to pass down on children.
Eye Twitching Treatment
Treatment for eye twitching is not required in many causes because it recovers. However, if you don’t notice any changes in your eye twitchings, it’s time you book a medical treatment. For severe cases of eyelid twitching, like Blepharospasm, treatments called Botulinum toxin (Botox) injection is recommended. Botox injection, however, works temporarily, as after a few months the severe spasm will be back until further injection is not injected. So it’s not a permanent treatment but can ease the intensity and severity of the spasms. Other treatments include Myectomy, which is a surgery done to remove some muscles and nerves in the eyelids to ease the involuntary movement.
When to See a Doctor?
Eye twitching varies from person to person. For some, the condition can be instantly severe while others recover within a few days. Usually, eye twitching gets corrected within a few weeks or days with no medication. With few lifestyle changes, your eyes will be back to normal but you never know what direction it goes.
Hence here are some signs that will let you know about the severity of your eye twitching and will alarm you to reach your ophthalmologist for help. Book an appointment with your ophthalmologist if you notice any following changes in your eyes:
- If Twitching cannot disappear within a few days or weeks.
- Problems in opening or closing your eyes with each twitching
- Swollen or red eyes with discharge
- Drooping eyes
- Twitching also occurs in other parts of the body
Eye Twitching Spiritual Meaning
There are several myths and superstitions associated with left eye twitching for men and women. Let us also cover these aspects, just for the sake of trivia!
- Eye Twitching in Men: Spiritual Meaning - When there is left eye twitching in a male, it is said that it will bring fortune to the person. The person will receive good luck, and love will come to them. Luck will be in his favour, and the person will enjoy various benefits. On the other hand, if the left eye of a man begins to twitch, it is said to bring misfortune and make the person unlucky.
- Eye Twitching in Women: Spiritual Meaning - Left eye twitching for a female is said to bring good luck for them. They are said to be fortunate, and things are in favour of them. It is auspicious for females and hence considered to be good. On the other hand, right eye meaning for females is said to be unlucky and unfortunate, and is believed that something will happen to them.
How to stop eye twitching?
Treatment for eye twitching is not prevalent or significant in many causes because it recovers. However, if you don’t notice any chances of solution in your eye twitchings, it’s time you look for medical treatment. Since the most common cause of eye twitching is because of stress, tiredness and excessive caffeine consumption, working on these factors will help your eyes predominantly. Here are the few steps you can take to slow or stop eye twitching:

- Reduce your caffeine consumption
- Get wonderful hours of sleep
- Avoid getting your eyes dry
- Use eye lubricating goods like artificial tears or eye drops
- Press gently on your eyes with cotton cloth
For severe cases of eyelid twitching, like Blepharospasm, treatments called Botulinum toxin (Botox) injection is recommended. Botox injection however works temporally, as after a few months the severe spasm will be back until further injection is not injected. So it’s not a permanent treatment but eased out the severe spasm. Other treatments like Myectomy where a surgery is done to remove some muscles and nerves in the eyelids to ease the involuntary movement is suggested.

Left eye twitching
Since eye twitching happens in both males and females, there is a significance of both the eye twitches. When there is twitching of the right eye of a male occurs, it is said that it will bring fortune to the person. The person will receive good luck, and love will come to them. Luck will be in his favour, and the person will enjoy various benefits. But if the left eye twitches of the male, it is said to be unlucky and unfortunate for the person.
Left eye twitching for a female is said to bring good luck for them. They are said to be fortunate, and things are in favour of them. It is auspicious for females and hence considered to be good. Things exactly happen in the case of right eye twitching for females. Right eye twitching for females is said to be unlucky and unfortunate, and is considered that something will happen to them.
Key Takeaway
So, there we have it, a crisp overview of eye twitching and its causes, types, risk factors, and treatment. Often, eye twitching is a mild condition that is triggered by routine factors, like stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, etc. Such cases also have a fast recovery time. But, there are a few rare types of eye twitching with severe repercussions. If the twitching in your eyes does not stop after a few days or you continue to experience discomfort for a long time, consult a professional immediately.
Why is my eye twitching?
Your eye twitches because of abundant and constant stress, fatigue and caffeine consumption. Get rid of your eye twitching by working on these factors, by taking less stress, working less, exercising and drinking less coffee in a day.
What does eye twitching mean?
Eye twitching refers to small but sudden involuntary eye movement in your eyes, often harmless and pain free. It’s an unusual form of blinking with greater speed that leads to either mild or severe effects on your eyes.
Can high blood sugar cause eye twitching
No! High blood sugar level does not cause eye twitching.
How to cure eye twitching?
Eye twitching, also known as eye flickering is mostly common to occur in your eyes and often recover on its own. Since it’s caused by too much caffeine consumption, poor diet, stress and others, you need to regulate these factors. Try to free yourself from constant stress and anxiety, eat healthy and drink less or no caffeine when it’s already developed.
Does eyelash mites cause eye twitching?
Yes! Eyelash mites cause eye twitching. Symptoms of eyelash mites are mostly crusty eyelashes, sticky eyes and repetitive blinking in the eye.
Can magnesium deficiency cause eye twitching?
Yes! Magnesium deficiency can cause eye twitching. A magnesium is a vital micro-nutrient for our body that helps with the maintenance of proper functioning of body muscles. Eye twitching is also caused by abnormal functioning of the eye muscles, hence you’ll notice various changes in your body for deficiency of magnesium. You’ll experience various problems like tingling, eye twitch, numbness and cramping.
What causes eye twitching during pregnancy?
As mentioned above, the primary reason behind eye twitching is often stress. Stress affects the nervous system predominantly, which in return causes involuntary muscles around the eyes. This eventually leads into eye twitches. It’s very common for pregnant women to go through stress, which leads to eye twitching and eye pain. Hence try to clear out your mind and release the stress away and think about your beautiful baby coming in this world.
What causes eye twitching and headaches?
Myokomia along with its involuntary eye twitching can cause migraine headaches through the side effects of medicines.
Why does stress cause eye twitching?
Stress can be of various types and display in various other forms like insomnia, overeating, irritation, lack of focus, sleepiness and many others. Just like these different displays of stress, eye twitching is also one of them. The stress causes stimulation in the muscles and the nerves around the eyes that leads to eye twitching.
What causes involuntary eye twitching?
Involuntary blinking or twitching in the eyes is caused by a muscle spasm around your eye. The involuntary contraction of the eye muscles are usually harmless and temporary but can be painful to experience. Muscle spasms don’t really occur for some underlying disease. Involuntary muscle spasm in our body is caused by excessive fatigue and tiredness, low magnesium or lower potassium level in the body.
Why is my eye twitching for 2 weeks?
Eye twitching gets recovered in a week or few days. If you are experiencing eye twitching for about or over 2 weeks, then you must immediately consult your ophthalmologist. Twitching in the eye is considered normal or non-toxic if it only stays for a few days or a week, if it crosses the days limit, then the condition needs medical supervision for its severity.
Why is my eye twitching every day?
If you experience eye twitching daily, then there’s something wrong with your regular eating habits or sleeping pattern. Lack of sleep or stress level trigger eye twitching to a greater extent. If you are someone who sits against your digital screens or overuse them for prolonged hours, then eyestrain can also cause eye twitching every day.
Can iron deficiency cause eye twitching?
Yes! To a certain extent iron deficiency can cause eye twitching. One of the major conditions caused by iron deficiency is fatigueless. And as you already know, fatigue eventually leads to the fundamental cause of eye twitching.
How to stop eye twitching (home remedies)?
We can treat eye twitching with simple home remedies. Here are our essential list of steps to cure it:
Get abundant of Sleep
There’s nothing better than a good deep sleeping session. Eye twitching often occurs because of lack of sleep from overworked people. Hence take some enjoyable hours of long sleep to wake up with the twitching gone forever.
Cut the Caffeine, get your Tea
Who needs caffeine if it’s causing you embarrassing eye conditions out in the public like eye twitching. Coffee leads to the cause of eyelid spasm, hence limiting its consumption or switching to a better alternative like tea sounds sweet.